How To Choose An HDMI Cable? Some Tips To Bear In Mind

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HDMI is a digital interface for transmitting video and audio data between advanced multimedia devices. It comes in different types and features to adapt to customers’ requirements. So how to choose an HDMI cable for your needs? 

You need to check the type first. Each type differs a lot from the other, searching for distinctive functions. Then, consider the targeted device, length, Ethernet, and connector type to come up with the final decision. 

This article will share with you some tips to choose the option that suits you most. Let’s read on to discover! 


What Is An HDMI Cable?

HDMI refers to a High-Definition Multimedia Interface. It’s a protocol for sending digital audio and video from a supply to a display simultaneously. 

Designed by a group of electronics companies, the interface is now famous worldwide, with practically all TVs and computer screens implementing it.

Different Types Of HDMI Cable

The first factor to consider when choosing the right cable is its category. There are five types you may see


For most home theater and home usage purposes, the standard wire is the most common choice. 

It can deliver video resolutions of 1080i or 720HD, which are now typical on most satellite and cable television, DVD players, and streaming media HD.

Standard with Ethernet

This wire contains an extra, specialized data channel and provides the same speed and video resolution as the standard one.

However, it will only work if the sources and the attached gadget have HEC (HDMI Ethernet Channel) features.

High speed

This option is the best for a Blu-ray player or a new television with innovative display technologies.

The High-Speed version is capable of 1080p and higher resolutions.

It is a secure option if you need to future-proof your device and aren’t sure if you’ll need more functionality in the future.

High speed with Ethernet

The wire has the same functionality and 1080p+ resolution as the High-Speed version. Yet, it also provides a second data channel, called the HEC.

This option will only work when both the source and the targeted device have HEC features. The functionality substitutes the Ethernet wire with an HDMI link that lets internet-enabled devices share an online system.


This type of wire works for HD video equipment in automobiles. It aims at the usage in vehicles with vibration and heat fluctuations.

There are five types of cables

There are five types of cables 

How To Choose The Right HDMI Cable?

Each wire type has its own unique features, serving different purposes. Once you have decided on the type, move on to other essential factors before making your purchase.

Where to use it?

You may need something more than just a standard cable if you’re employing the cord for 3D, automotive, or other devices.

The standard version can handle most TVs and DVDs players. If your devices use Ethernet to work, you can choose the HEC versions of the wire.

If your devices employ advanced technology, you should opt for the high-speed cord.

When it comes to automobiles, nothing can beat the automotive cord. They are meant for each other. 

Think about where you will use the cable

Think about where you will use the cable


If Ethernet functionality is mandatory in the wire, your directions should say so. If you don’t, although this sort of wire can work well, you’ll probably end up paying more for a feature you don’t really need.


The length of the wire depends on your specific installation needs. So, eliminate the short line if the distance between the source and the targeted device is long. 

Connector type

You’ll need to double-check the devices you’re connecting because they might utilize specific HDMI connectors – especially if you’re trying to pair a handheld device with a stand-alone one.

See more:

Final Words

The HDMI cable is a powerful tool to make your entertainment time more exciting. 

To choose the right one, you should check its features carefully. The more time and effort you put into selecting, the more enjoyable experience you will have. 

Hopefully, you will find this article helpful. Thank you for reading!


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